  • Habitat for Humanity of South Central MN

Homeowner Pre-Application

Habitat Homeowner Pre-Application

If you are interested in applying for HFHSCMN and you believe you qualify for a home according to the application guidelines, we encourage you to fill out the application request form below. If you would like assistance completing this form, please contact us at 507-388-2081

Note: HFHSCM will not proselytize, nor will HFHSCM work with entities or individuals who insist on proselytizing as part of their work with HFHSCM. This means HFHSCM will not offer assistance on the expressed or implied condition that people must adhere to or convert to a particular faith or listen and respond to messaging designed to induce conversion to a particular faith.

Your Contact Information

The maximum length for the field Co-Applicant Full Name: is 500 characters.
The field Co-Applicant Phone Number: must be a phone number.
The maximum length for the field Co-Applicant Email Address: is 500 characters.
The numeric field Total number of household members? is required.
The numeric field Number of household members below the age of 18? is required.
The field How did you hear about Habitat for Humanity? is required.



These questions help Habitat for Humanity South-Central Minnesota measure our compliance with the federal Equal Credit Opportunity Act, which prohibits unlawful discrimination. You ARE NOT required to provide this information.

We will not take this information (or your decision not to provide this information) into account in connection with your application. The law provides that a creditor may not discriminate based on this information or based on whether or not you choose to provide it. If you choose not to provide the information, we may note it by visual observation or surname.